Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland Pictures and Information.

I took the above picture this evening;  We could see the detail of the green gates and the red door built into the church building, giving it character standing outside, hearing some male voices singing had a feel to it that may seem familiar to viewers of Hammer Horror films. Of course, it was nothing like a horror film. It was a lovely peaceful evening with a breeze and some sunshine.  

Look at the link below you discover more.

After The Church of Scotland Free Church of Scotland, the strictest are The Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland is all rooted within what used to be the old Catholic traditions. I am no expert, but as I understand it.

The number of different Churches, branches and congregations around and throughout Caithness is many.

Halkirk Congregation – Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland (   

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MARINA on the power of pop, tackling female shame and the politics behin...

This is very interesting and honest.