Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Hinge - 'The Village Postman' (1968)

This song is about a Postman who is nearly sixty and is getting ready to retire on a cold, dark spring morning. If you are having sleep issues, try singing along... This song from 1968 is worth a listen, perhaps a re-release? These songs are a product of that era when life was better than today. In 1968, we still had the GPO General Post Office that provided all British communications, perhaps not so technically superior, but faster and cheaper than in 2023.

This nostalgic song was released in 1968; I was two years old, but I remember a few vague things. The point about music is it takes you on a journey when you hear a tune. It takes you back to a place you have never been but seen through rose-tinted spectacles, an imaginary utopia that never was.

The past and the future meet via the present day.

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MARINA on the power of pop, tackling female shame and the politics behin...

This is very interesting and honest.