Friday, March 10, 2023


 Another day of cold snow showers after a minus 6 temperature until a few hours ago. Yesterday,  I was astonished to see in Thurso, 10 miles away, it was warmer, more straightforward and busier than where I live. I went out dressed like Shackleton on a trip to the far-flung north pole, only to discover the heating was on in every shop.  I hope we will see warmer weather soon, allowing the body warmer and T-shirt wear to be recommissioned for at least a few months.  

The charity shop is a roaring trade in jazz vinyl albums that I have been buying recently, this week £3 cheaper than they were last week. In Tesco, the prices have increased again. Taxi fares have also increased. I wonder when it will all collapse? Because at some point, people will stop buying goods and services, forcing prices downwards into a spiral of deflation. Pure greed is the main driving force behind this at the consumer end of the retail industry; we are stupidly paying more and more, they will inflate the prices, and so it goes on. 

The news through media outlets continues to be a distraction via non-stories to hide the real nugget they are trying to hide. That nugget is the Government, for thirteen years, then another thirteen years before we have had the worst administration in my lifetime.

They have all failed on immigration, crime and the EU. 

Now the media has jumped on Gary Lineker, another distraction from the real issues.

We don't want the nasty tribal nationalist attitudes of the thirties where we blame and terrorise one section of the community for being different. Lineker is correct about that, so why didn't he just say that?

The State has no business to poke around and lecture people.

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MARINA on the power of pop, tackling female shame and the politics behin...

This is very interesting and honest.