Saturday, January 14, 2023

First Post A Brief Description

 My first post will attempt to be interesting, describing the little, tragic aspects of existence like my health, weather and other things like music, politics and Christianity.  

My bang-in-the-middle Centrism looks like the bullseye in the middle of a dart board.

My Christian views are as shown in The Holy Bible.

My Musical interest is everything from the greatest to the not-so-great works.

My health isn't good with my Liver and Spleen and all its knock-on effects.

The weather in Northern Scotland, around 10 miles from the north coast, is a chilly miserable day showing just 4 degrees Celsius. This time of year could be described as tropical, but only in my head.

This type of content will see depending on how creative I believe I can be.  I'm more of a thinker than a writer. I think I can write, just not very good at it.

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MARINA on the power of pop, tackling female shame and the politics behin...

This is very interesting and honest.