As we edge closer to February, this windy dark Sunday morning just before 6 am in north Scotland with the temperature in double figures. The snow went a week ago the days are slowly becoming longer. Hanging washing out is now possible. All these little things are positive signs.
Brighter days are ahead, and spring is just eight weeks away. It will be pleasant to wear less clothing outside. Hats, heavy coats and a pair of wellies probably weighing the same as Robocop's boots.
I must buy some new plants for this spring because the shrubs didn't survive the heat of 2021 when moving to a new home. It can be dry 2021 was very dry, and last year was a wet year.
A bad back, painful knees no energy can make gardening an experience. I can just plant straight into the old holes full of dead shrubs once it has been removed, saving time and energy.
Now, just before 8:40 am it is light, cloudy and windy.